NAme NAme
1 min readApr 23, 2022


🌟 Join and win the prize of the community gratitude event for this week

Our event has already started, pls take note of these points below:

TIME: from 00:00 UTC April 23th 2022 to 00:00 Apr 29th, 2022

⭕️ RULE:

+ All accounts spending at least 250 BRAIN during the event will be entered into the lucky draw

+ Lucky draw will be Livestream on ZombieWorldZ’s community channels (link and time will be announced later)

🎁 Rewards — 10 lucky prizes from high to low include:

• 1 Pet chest

• 1 Military chest

• 1 factory chest

• 2 recipes level 3

• 5 heroes J Blade

🍀 Join us now to try your luck! Don’t forget the TOP RACE USING TOKEN BRAIN IN-GAME event is still taking place in parallel. Spend Brain Token today, maybe you will be the winner of both prizes!

💎 Visit the following websites to learn about ZWZ

Website | Discord | Twitter | Telegram | Youtube | Medium | Tiktok | Substack | Facebook



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